Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If I only had more

Time & Money, Seconds & Inches, these are the things that bits of life are made of. If only I had more time...more money...if I could run a few seconds faster...if I only could lose a few inches...

Things would be better wouldn't they?

The fist week was awesome desire and motivation made me WANT to do it. I did some sort of activity 5 out of 7 days. The second week was so painful, but if I push through the pain, it will be easier. Did something 4 out of 7 days. The third week I was sore and tired, but still worked in 3 out of 7 days. Fourth week 3 of 7. The fifth week 4 days out of 7 and actually had my best run yet on Friday of last week. I did a 4 mile run in 40:24 felt great in the legs and the lungs.

Still trying to get the breathing while swimming thing down. Watched a group of 8 year olds do it yesterday at the pool while Annie and Cameron were taking lessons. It's a lot easier to learn when you have no bad habits to break.

Life is busy right now, Emily was gone for a week, my parents came out for a week, I am heading off to TRAC for the next two weekends, soccer coaching classes and the list goes on. I love my life and I am not complaining, just realizing how finding time/making time to meet my goal will be part of the overall goal.

Good thing I am just working on a good solid base right now!

I also need to change my eating habits! Not much has changed in this area, so I am also not getting the results I would like on the inches part!

I how ever in the last 5 weeks have done more then in the last 5 months! Progress not perfection!

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