Monday, June 6, 2011

Here we go again

It has been a little over two months since the CA IronMan. I have put on about 2 pounds, and have tried to keep moving. It has not happened like I would have hoped.

With the loss of Emily's dad and baseball and softball seasons ending, I just could not squeeze many work outs in. I did about 10 hours in April and 10 in May, but the time between the runs, rides and swim (just one) was not a completely comfortable experience!

Last weekend, I moved a lot of stuff, cleaned out the garage, planted a garden, an planted some flowers with the kids. I woke up Tuesday and could not move my knee. 2 Days of serious pain and swelling, went to the ER and found out nothing was seriously wrong. R.I.C.E. and all will be well in about 7 to 10 days. (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) Went to the Ventura Healing rooms Thursday night hobbled in and after some serious prayer walked out with no pain! The swelling went down to nothing by morning and I have not had a bit of pain since. God is awesome! Let alone the other healing that took place that night for me. I am going to thank God by doing another Tri.

So Annie's pitching coach signed up for the Carpinteria Tri in September and I was talking with her the other day and was getting all excited. Emily said I should do it to. so after some prayer and thought, I signed up for the Olympic.

I hit the pool this morning and struggled though 650. How is it that fitness goes away so fast? And it takes so long to get it back? Although I am hopeful that I will get the grove back much faster then when I started to train for the CA IronMan.

111 days...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pain is Temporary...Accomplishment is Forever!

What an amazing experience.

I accomplished my goal before I even started the race. So the race was the cherry on top.

What follows is my race report for the California Ironman 70.3 in Oceanside.

I took the kids to school on Friday, went home to pack and leave. I planned on being on the road at 9, as things go for me I was not on the road till 10:30. I think perhaps I was a bit nervous, I packed and repacked my race bag 3 times...OK 4 times. I have heard stories of people forgetting their running shoes or some other vital piece of gear for the race. I am prone to such things since I wait till the last possible moment to pack. I did not forget anything, I actually brought way too much stuff. I got the truck loaded and took off, got to Oxnard and realized that I left the hotel information on the printer. I drove home searched the whole house to realize that I had the information in the truck already. Oh well. Dont stress.

The drive down was great a bit of traffic but I was listening to Wild at Heart Bootcamp CD's so I was brought back to a great time I had a year ago. I arrived at Ocean side Harbor around 1:30, and was filled with excitement the entire place was race ready. Signs and banners lined the streets, there were people running, biking and you could feel the excitement. I finally found a place to park and headed over to sign in. The line was long, so I started chatting up the people around me. Oh wow how many have you done? The water is how cold? No me this is my first triathlon ever...really you just shot for the big goal huh. Yep. It took about 30 minutes I had to sign the wavier that I know I could die from participating, watched a short video about what to expect and what to look out for.

There was an Iron Prayer meeting at 4:30 that I wanted to go to. Its a group of endurance Christian athletes that get together before races and pray. I had some time to kill and walked around the vendor show and sales area. Wanted to purchase a new "Stevens" bike but didn't have a spare 3 grand. I guess my Specialized will have to do. They wouldn't even give me one since my last name was Stevens...its my bike right has my name on it (thanks for the idea Alissa). Listened to the eventual winners talk about how they plan to race tomorrow.

I showed up at the Iron Prayer and there was about 8 people there. We sang some songs the first of them was "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" Which was awesome, my friend Chris told me to use that song as motivation during the race. Warmed my heart. We sang a few more and then Richard gave a great testimony about giving the race to God. Met another Richard and Alex. It was nice to know that I could see some other men of God out on the course. I was feeling good, and hungry.

Found the hotel, brought all my gear up and went on the search for some carbs. I asked 2 people where I could find some good pasta. I got lost following both their directions. I just drove looking for a sign that said pasta. Found a place pizza pasta and salad. Ordered a salad and pasta. Checked in with Em and the kids and started to eat. A huge surprise walked in the friend Darren showed up. I can not tell you how much it helped having someone there with me. He has done an IronMan before so he helped calm me down and gave me some great last minute pointers. We finished eating and went back to the hotel.


Woke up at 2:00, 3:00 and 4:30 and got out of bed at 4:45 to get ready. Why is it when you know you have to wake up early you wake up way early to make sure you dont miss the wake up.

Darren spent the night and drove me to the race site, well as close as we could get. I loaded up all my gear and took off for the transition area. It was still quite dark out. I was full of adrenaline now. There were close to 3000 athletes so the place was hopping. I kept thinking to my self calm down you are going to be spent before it starts.

I found my row with the other 45 -49 year olds and started with the small talk. I set up my little area using my friend Belias advice on how to set it up. I went and had my numbering done, this is where they take a big Sharpie and put your number on your arm and your age on your left calf. Then went to find the porta potties. I think 2500 of the 3000 people were in the line for maybe 50 pots. If I dint have to go I would really have to by the time I got to the front. Started chatting up the people in line, it was a great way to pass the time...40 minutes went by quick. Now it was time to get the wetsuit on and line up in the wetsuit heard.

My mind was messing with me at this point...wear the booties or not? wear the rash guard or not? wear the extra pink swim cap under the race cap or not. Stop pray and relax. I did not wear the booties or the rash guard or the extra cap. Just my shorts, wetsuit, ear plugs, and goggles and race cap. I line up with others in my wave for what would be an hour wait for our start. At 6:30 the National Anthem plays and at 6:40 the professional men start the race. At 7:00 the first professional gets out of the water...20 minutes to swim 1.2 miles are you kidding me, 1 minutes later the 2nd man pops out and runs past us. At 7:18 the first professional women runs by...24 minutes 3 seconds behind her the 2nd place woman. The women had a close race all day. Meanwhile back in the heard we moved 15 feet. By the time we got to the waters edge at 7:36 the pros were 1/2 way through the bike course.

The race officials let us in the water to swim out to the starting buoy. I am completely freaked out. I cant do this I need to leave NOW. What the hell was I thinking? I am out. Calm down, you at least have to get to the starting line Craig, that was your goal. I swim slowly to the start and hang back and to the right of everyone. My heart is literally pounding through the wetsuit. BANG the gun sounds and I start swimming slowly, I realize that I have my rings on and that the water is cold and my fingers will shrink and I am going to lose my wedding ring. Ah Em, I finished the race...but lost my ring...not good. So I am swimming with my left hand in a fist and freaking out. My buddy Darren somehow sees me in the water and shouts out some good encouragement. so I swim I can not get into a grove though, I keep drinking salt water are get bumped by someone or kicked in the head. I look up and the 1/2 way point is within 100 yards. OK, so now I need to get back. I feel cramps in my calves this is not good. The turn was a washing machine of arms and legs everyone trying to get close to the buoy. I am praising God for getting me to the 1/2 way point and I start thinking of everyone who has been supporting me in this and I start naming you all off. Each stroke was for someone I knew. I had written Phil. 4:13 and Heb 12:1 and on the other hand I wrote I CAN. Every stroke I saw these. and kept swimming, just like Dore in Nemo. I look up and I am back by the docks. I scream out to the people on the dock is that the end? I swim just a little faster and I am being helped out of the water, I praise God and shout I am out of the water! I am out of the water! in 45:47 are you kidding me? I did it! I could end the race now and be satisfied. I swam better then I thought I would. I thought I would be the only one in transition I was happy to see many bikes still racked up. Whoo hoo I was not last out of the water and not close to the cut off time. I still have my wedding ring!

T1 (transition one) I get out of the wetsuit and get my bike stuff together, still a bit shocked that I am out of the water. I spent 6:57 in transition, I run trough to the bike mount area and get on the bike. There was Darren giving me some encouragement. I felt good really good thanks God. I eat a power bar and start peddling I am cruising quite fast and think to my self slow down. I was not out of breath and the legs felt great. I look up and see I am at mile 20 I look at my watch 1 hour. Oh boy too fast. I suck down a gel, an start to slow down a bit I know at mile 30 is where the big hills start. I see the first hill and man its big, I start to down shift and start the grind. 100 yards up people are dismounting and walking up the hill. I feel good. This is how I trained and I thanked God for the Cross in Ventura.

Along the way as I would pass some one or they would pass me I would shout out a word of encouragement to them. It was great because our names were on our numbers. So I would say great job "Bill" keep it up, were out here doing it "Jill" On the hill I was saying how great it was that God made this hill for us to climb today in this awesome area with this great weather. I kept going back and forth with a guy named "Nob" his name was much longer and much harder to say so he said call me Nob. I would pass him, he would pass me. At the first aide station I dropped my water bottle and had to pull over to grab it. Bummer lost some time.

Ate a Balance Bar and readied myself for the second climb A bit bigger then the first same thing people off the bikes and walking I just kept a slow and steady pace. I was so grateful to have a road bike with extra gears, the people on their $5000 bikes with areo helmets and fewer gears where pushing hard. One guy even said he would pay money right now to have his road bike. Made it to the top and this descent was the gnarly one with no passing and a 25 MPH limit. My breaks squeaked a lot.

Along the way someone had put up hand made signs at different points and I would catch some of them and they were the perfect boost I needed. Thanks to whomever took the time to do that. "pain is temporary...pride is forever" Triathlons are 90% mental and 10% physical, get you mind right" "you can dream it you can do it" and a few more. On my bike I painted EAC for Emily Annie and Cameron. I also painted a cross on the stem, if Jesus can bear the cross I can ride 56 miles. An "F" for all my friends, a KN for my friend Kevin and a MD for my neighbor Mark both of them I rode for since they cant. I knew a lot of people were praying for me and I have to tell you I felt the prayers. A name would pop into my mind and I knew they were praying for me. It worked, it helped.

Hill number 3 the biggest and longest heading my way. I power down a gel and some water, start the climb and know this is the last big hill...its all down hill after this. I had some great quick conversations with people as we searched for extra breath on the way up. Mile marker 40 almost there, we wind out of the mountains and back towards the beach. BAM big cold head wind. Really. Yep. Bear down and peddle. Last aide station take on a banana and some power bar electrolytes. Mile 50 feeling good way ahead of the time I thought I would be at this point, eat a Balance Bar and finish drinking the electrolytes to ready my self for the run. Drop the bottle and have to pull over to pick it up. Oh well I kicked the rides butt.

I made it a point to thank as many of the volunteers as I could as I passed them. Many were from the base and serving our Country so I thanked them for serving. Its the least I could do. They spent their day so I could live out a goal/dream. I was also a bit bummed at how many wrappers and gels were left out on the course. Its not that hard to put it back into your pocket.

Mile 55 the first angry rider passed me, shouting about getting out of his way, and how sick of it he was. Sorry dude, God bless have a better run.

I ride around the corner and can see the end, the streets lined with banners people cheering what a feeling. I finish the ride 3:37:23 almost an hour and a half faster they I thought. I praise God how awesome is he.

T2 Transition two

I get off the bike and feel great took 3:11 to change shoes and get the bike stuff off. Grab a gel and start running. The crowd and all the excitement makes me run faster then I should be. I had way to much stuff in my pockets, but am too cheap to just toss them. I thought perhaps someone might need a gel and I would have extras. I am running a good pace and look up mile one, wow dude slow down. Out on the course there were people just starting and people on the second lap. I felt good just kept running all of a sudden I am at the turn around. Are you freaking kidding me. I am thinking to my self just keep the pace If you have to walk you have the time. All the while I am encouraging people that are walking or that I pass. I say "you got this...its all in there...dig deep" Many people thanked me and many tried to run along with me. I had some great talks. One guy was running with me on his last lap I was at mile 5 and we come up to the next guy and I say "you got this" He says to me you say that to everyone, I thought I was special, I said you are special to God, and you my friend are almost done. He hung for a little while and said thats all I got for now.

The turn around is back near the finish which is kind of cruel. But I make the turn and go I am still at a good pace and figure I will just keep it up till I cant. Same thing I am running and encouraging people having a blast. This is it. My last lap I am going to finish this thing. I am overwhelmed with emotion. Its the 3rd time I cry a little out there. I am so filled with gratitude, God gave me this day and has lifted me up with wings like eagles. I ran with a lot of people this time around they were all impressed that I was being me and praising God. One person said my Fatah would get them to the finish line. Another told me how she was healed the night before when she didn't think she could even start the race...on mile 10. I passed the guys I met at Iron Prayer a few times. God is good we would say. All the time.

The turn around again this is it, mile 9! WOW. Pain has now found me my hip flexers are hurting. Only 3 miles dont slow down dont stop, dont walk just keep it up..."pain is temporary...pride is forever" I can do this. The "I CAN" and the scriptures have just about faded away on my hands but I look down and know they are there. I think of Kevin and Mark I see the challenged athletes out on the course, I think of Jesus. I keep running slower in some pain but running. Mile 12. Oh man, I am almost there, I feel the crowds I see the banners, I pick up the pace. I start to freak out...I told Emily not to show up till 3:30 or 4:00 I am 1 1/2 hours ahead of schedule they wont be there. I get sad, crap...

Oh well I'll meet them later Less then 1/2 mile to go all the pain is gone, I swell with gratitude, I am in the finish shoot, I start praising God. God is good, God is good, 100 yards to go the crown is loud I am spent 50 yards, are you kidding me 7 months and here I am...25 yards God is good, God is so good....10 yards I give praise to the Lord, I run across the finish line whoo hoooing like a kid in in candy store. Emily shouts out Craig Craig...I see her and the kids and I just cry. The best moment of the whole race. A sight for sore eyes...sore everything. I get my hat and finisher medals I get the timing chip removed. I go to Emily and the kids cry I did it! I did it.

I did the 13.1 miles in 2:02:20. A total race time of 6:35:38. I was going to be stoked with an 8 hour time. I finished in 1585 place out of 2857, and in my age group 164th out of 307. In my mind I finished first.

It was better then I thought, I was alive, I was present for the moment, I raced for God and it felt good.

I was going to cry if I finished or not, I was going to praise God if I finished or not, in any case I was transformed. I am not the same as I was when I signed up for this race. I am thinner, closer to God, I know I can set large goals and accomplish them.

I am an Ironman 70.3 finisher. I am a child of an amazing God that gave me this opportunity to push myself beyond what I thought I could do.

Will there be another? I dont know. I did what I set out to do and did way better then I thought.

Thanks God.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 months, 10 weeks, 10 days...

One and a half days! Man time flies. Here I sit a day and a half out, I hope to be in the last hour or so of my race this time 48 hours from now. Crazy right. First off I want to thank God for all the time and health to be able to prepare for this. I want to thank Emily, Annie, and Cameron for letting me sneak out and log some miles and for supporting me in my goal. My work has also been a great source of encouragement and letting me take long lunches and bail out early many days to get the time in. I am blown away at how many friends have been with me supporting me asking me and most of all believing in me, I am honored and touched by all of you. There is nothing more I can do till the gun fires for my heat. All the hours all the pain all the doubt, all the belief and will have been put in. I am going to leave it all out on the course, me and God running the race laid out for me. I will be using all of the well wishes and thinking of all of you that have believed in me when I was not so sure I made a smart decision signing up for this to keep me going forward. Bib number 2403 Craig Stevens 44 Ventura CA, you can see how I am doing on the Ironman site they will post up my times as I move throughout the race. I see my beautiful wife and kids at the finish line, Its a good picture in my mind. I will cry if I cross the finish line or not. Its been such a journey, I am transformed physically I have lost 40 pounds, I can not even remember the last time I was under 200 pounds. I am closer to God and so grateful for the time we spent together training. No matter what happens Saturday I will praise God. I love run rule #1 No form of locomotion other then running, walking, or crawling is allowed. Good to know I can crawl across if I have to. This morning I was stressing and worrying about the whole deal and I got an email with the time and location for the Iron Prayer meeting and knowing I am not alone out there has changed my stress level in a good way. I will keep you all up to date as I can. Keep the thoughts and prayers coming.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

2 weeks or 14 days or 336 hours

Actually a little less since its 10 at night.

Still hard to believe that its coming up so quick. The favorite question at this point is "Are you ready? sure hope so, not much I can do to change it at this point. I have done my best to get all the training in that I can. I know that God will be with me on this, it has been as much a spiritual event as mental and physical.

Funny how sports are the perfect analogy for just about everything. You play like you practice is one I use all the time to my softball and baseball kids. Leave it all out on the field, dont come in thinking I could have/should have done more, the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just a little extra. I cant be 2 weeks out without having done the last 6 months of running, riding, swimming, spinning, push/pull ups, sit ups, eating right, sleeping, and praying. You gotta put the time in, cant get to the starting line without putting in hours and miles. "For physical training is of some value, but Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8).

I swam in the ocean today. A shock to the hands and feet, the water was cold! Spending an hour in it should be fun. I was told that the wetsuit and the salt water would make me float more, I had no idea how much. I am impressed. I need to spend some more time in the ocean in the next 14 days for sure, so I am not freaked out come start time. I will be in wave 4, 5, or 6 starting at 6:50, 6:53, or 6:56 which gives me a good bit of time to finish before they close the course. I just hope my slow pace does not get me swam over by the 17 waves after me. I hope I have a bright swim cap. Randy thinks I am ready,he has never thought I could not do this and I am grateful for his help and encouragement.

I had a lot more to say when I sat down to type. It has all faded away though...I am humbled and overwhelmed, grateful that I am 2 weeks out. God has been so good to me, Emily and the kids have been wonderful for allowing me to go swim, ride, run, sleep a bit longer, my job has been supportive and encouraging, all of my friends have been there keeping me on task and honest about my training, a man named Skip who I have never met has helped with my rookie questions. I have no idea what to expect on April 2nd, but I am going to leave it all out on the course, I am doing this for God, Emily, Annie, Cameron and all of you.

When I remember what else I had planned on posting, I will

Monday, March 7, 2011

T minus 26 days

Its hard to believe that the Ironman is in 26 days. When I signed up I had forever till April 2nd. Funny how 30 days can seem like forever when you are waiting for something or how quickly 30 days becomes 1.

I had a great week of training last week. Some days I feel like I could ride or run and yes even now swim forever. Then other times before, during, or after I feel like I cant even go one more foot. I think that they should call the events a quad not a tri. You have the swim, bike, run, and the forth is the mental part. Its really a mental challenge as much as physical. I am really trying now to keep in mind pace, I know from past events that the emotion of the day will make me feel like going super fast, then bonking way too soon. I have not used music for quite some time now and being in my head for hours on end can be a scary place. I also find it funny that I can remember song lyrics from 20 year old songs when I hear the music but can only remember one annoying verse or song I dont want in my head without music. So I pray, I use Dore's just keep swimming/running/ridding, or the one two, one two, one two. I am a chatty kind of guy maybe on race day I will find another snail that like to chat.

I really appreciate all of the support I am getting. I cant tell you how much it helps to be asked how is the training going? It keeps me on task and honest. Most of all though I am so grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to do this.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today God has made something possible I did not think was going to happen. I actually swam OVER A MILE in large non stopping chunks. I am besides myself at the moment.

I had a goal to do 500 without stopping today which would have been reason enough to celebrate since I have not done that to date. I usually swim 100's, or 50s' with breaks on the wall. I have been thinking and praying about the fact that the ocean has no walls every 100 yards. In the pool I can take it easy because there is a wall. But come race day I have to as Dore in Nemo says "just keep swimming...just keep swimming" Today I was going to break my own record and do 500.

I started out the 500 and about 300 I was thinking that's good, but stuck with it and made the 500. Praise God. Then I set out to do it again at 500 I just kept going and going and going like the energizer bunny in water and did 1000 yards! No way! Way! I praise God and think I am feeling good lets try for another 500 so I just keep swimming and I lost count because I was so excited but I think I ended up doing another 650 0r 700 yards or so. All together over 1.2 miles with only 2 small breaks.

A word on form an was not pretty or efficient but I found a rhythm that worked. Now I just hope I can find that same rhythm again. I was under the Life Guard tower where I dont like to go because I dont want them laughing at me the whole time but it was the only lane open. I swam to swim today with out thinking to much and just doing.

Thanks to all who have said prayers keep them coming. A special thanks to Randy (aka coach Randy) for not giving up on me and even sacrificing his eyes so I could use his goggles the other day when I forgot mine. He looked stoned for 2 days--sorry and thanks. By the way I think it was the cool goggles that helped today Randy. There has also been a guy on the Iamtri site Skip that has been a great encouragement to me. He has done several races and has taken the time to answer my silly questions of a newbie. Which is one thing I love about sports, even though its a race some people still take the time to pass along advice and wisdom to help others. a cool thing for sure.

39 days to go and today I feel like I am on track in all 3 events.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Holy Brick

Yesterday I did one of the hardest workouts I have done in some time (maybe ever). A brick workout is when you stack 2 workouts on top of each other. I did 3 bricks or I started a wall yesterday.

After church I got on the bike and rode out to Peck road in Santa Paula and back 15 miles (52 minutes). It was an awesome ride heading to the mountains with snow covering them. Cold and windy though, glad I had on my long sleeve shirt, wind breaker, and gloves. Then I put on my running shoes took off the wind breaker and gloves ran almost to Victoria and back home (I was shooting for 2 miles, ends up I went 2.86 miles 24 minutes) Changed shoes put on the jacket and gloves rode back out to Santa Paula and back 15 more miles (55 minutes). Came home changed shoes and ran again 26 minutes. Grabbed a bar and some G2 and headed out to Santa Paula again the first 10 miles were great the last 5 I was digging deep for energy and desire (1 hour 2 minutes). Then the final run 27 minutes. I felt OK slow but what a workout.

I thought that I would not be able to walk today, but the legs feel OK. I am however, going to take the day off and recover.

Last week I swam 1.1 miles! Not all in a row but I did the distance, if I did my math correct in the pool I would have did the last 50 to make 1.2 miles but I know I can do it now I just have to get in the ocean and see how that goes with out walls on each end.

The event is 40 days out. A lot can happen in 40 days! 6 weeks seems like a long time but it will be here before I know it. I feel like I am on track for the most part. God is good and is keeping me healthy. Phil 4:13 I can do all things though God who strengthens me.

The endurance stage goes for one more week, then active recovery and then competitive stage followed by the taper and finally the CA Ironman.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have been facing a whole lot of opposition on my goal to finish the California Ironman, I felt this week like I should scrap the whole idea. I had a bad week of swimming last week and was sick over the weekend, still have something in the chest/lungs. This is one of the hardest physical things I have ever set out to do. What was I thinking anyway, crazy that's what. I could just chalk it up to a great weight loss plan--after all I have lost 23 pounds and all my clothes fit and people notice a change.

I have a problem though, I don't want to quit. I don't feel like God is telling me to quit, I want to finish to give God honor and glory. I want to do it for my kids, to show them that hard work and dedication can accomplish things. I want to do it for my wife, she is so awesome and her faith has proved to me that I can get through this. I want to do it for the people who said that I have inspired them to do something, to get moving, to set a goal. And I want to do it for the people who think I am a bit crazy for even trying. I want to do it for me, quitting is easy, justification to quit is easy, rationalization is easy. I feel God has a purpose for me in this.

So why all the struggle this week? I was really down and beaten. Fear took over and failure was an option. I have read that the enemy loves to oppose joy. Crush those dreams and goals make me feel less than, make me feel worthless.

Yesterday I told Emily how I was feeling, she is behind me either way and will love me whatever I choose to do. I emailed my friend Doug whom I have raced with and trained with for many events. He said many wonderful things and even through in this quote "You can't put a limit on anything. the more you dream,the farther you get." Michael Phelps. I ran yesterday 4.6 miles coughed up a 1/2 lung and felt OK. I probably could have taken another day off and let the lungs clear, but it was a good run--a not quitting run. One of the lines from a Train song that I heard on the run stuck out (I usually don't remember the songs I hear) "I wont give up if you don't give up" " I need a sign to let me know your here" "I wont give up if you don't give up"

After a great bible study this morning, where we talked about the boldness of Steven standing up against the Sanhedrin looking to God filled with the Holy Spirit and taking his faith to death. I asked the guys to pray for my swim, I feel like I am at the cross roads, do it or not. The thing about the swim is you have to swim, on the bike you can coast, on the run you can walk...on the swim you have to swim or sink.

I took the kids to school and decided to spin for a 1/2 hour in the garage to keep the legs moving. I had a good workout 13 miles and a lot of sweat and coughing. Then I am in the shower after some push ups, pull ups and crunches. A thought pops into my mind, the enemy oppresses joy, he does not want me to have the joy, he does not want me to give God glory as I raise my hands to God as I cross the finish line. I got out of the shower and I prayed, I prayed for God to fill those oppressing thoughts, I also told the devil to take a hike, he has no hold on me or my joy. As my friend said this morning "I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Phil 4:13.

I am at work feeling good about myself and my hope that this will be the week that "I get it" the swim that is, I get an email from the FCA (Fellowship of Christan Athletes) Endurance the group that does triathlons for God. The main story was of a woman that qualified for Kona the big daddy of Ironman and found out she had a broken bone in her foot 2 weeks before the race. She felt God wanted her to be there so she raced with one shoe and a walking cast. She was inspired to wear a shirt that said "I CAN" on the front and "Phil 4:13" on the back, she said that the light of love and hope that followed her on that day was amazing. She also was on the recap of that race that aired on NBC a few weeks back and I remember seeing her while Cameron and I watched the race.

In that same CAN DO attitude, I CAN, I WILL, with strength from my God.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Discouraged, beat down...but not defeated!

It has been a hard 30 days with all the busyness of December all the extra food and sweets around and a lack of time. I have not been feeling as if I can do this race; actually I have stopped calling it a race and started calling it an event...since I am not really racing anyone but the clock.

The pool was closed for 2 weeks, so I could not swim and the ocean was not a place to be after all the rain, so I did not get my swims in. I struggled when I did get back in the pool and wanted to be farther along then I was. Last Monday I had a really bad swim, then Tuesday I had a really bad run, followed by another bad swim on Wednesday. I was really discouraged, beat down and felt defeated and I was really questioning my ability to to do the event. Since its only going to get harder.

My poor swimming habits (breathing) were making it really hard to go the distance. Holding my breath and sucking in water were not helping me go very far. I surrendered, gave up/in and prayed for help. Went online to the discussion group for the race and posted my frustration. I received a quick reply of encouragement and a few ideas, I also went to the web (everything can be found there) and watched so really good training videos with some drills. Randy was great he has been showing up and telling me I can do it, but I was not hearing him. With Randy's and Skips encouragement I set out on Thursday to try to swim without expectation and focus on doing it right even if I only could swim 100 yards. I practiced the drills and felt ok about the day.

Friday I ran with the kids from Em's class at Arroyo Verde and had a great run, then it was time to meet Randy at the pool. I was going to just do 25 yards at a time focusing on my stroke and breathing. Really when I think about it if God wanted us to breath in the water we would look more like a fish! I swam 1000 yards a bit over a 1/2 mile, 25 yards at a time. That works out to 40 laps and I did 30 very well. I ended the week hopeful. once again.

The weather was awesome on Saturday for a ride so Ryan and I headed out to Wheeler Canyon and had a great 30 mile ride.

Heard a great message on Friday about my idol (finishing the race) I forgot that without God I am not going to do it at all and I was reminded to bring him with me. Then on Sunday heard another great message about knocking out the negative thoughts and staying positive. Pastor Matt even ended the sermon with a Ironman story.

Today is Monday I had a good swim, not perfect but getting better did 1250 or .71 miles, I think I am so close to figuring it out. I tried to run holding my breath every 3 seconds and its not a good way to run. I just have to swim like I run so I can keep moving without starving for oxygen which make me tired and my stroke fall apart.

A big plus has been having people to ride and swim with. So if you want to join me on a swim, ride or run lets do it.