Monday, March 7, 2011

T minus 26 days

Its hard to believe that the Ironman is in 26 days. When I signed up I had forever till April 2nd. Funny how 30 days can seem like forever when you are waiting for something or how quickly 30 days becomes 1.

I had a great week of training last week. Some days I feel like I could ride or run and yes even now swim forever. Then other times before, during, or after I feel like I cant even go one more foot. I think that they should call the events a quad not a tri. You have the swim, bike, run, and the forth is the mental part. Its really a mental challenge as much as physical. I am really trying now to keep in mind pace, I know from past events that the emotion of the day will make me feel like going super fast, then bonking way too soon. I have not used music for quite some time now and being in my head for hours on end can be a scary place. I also find it funny that I can remember song lyrics from 20 year old songs when I hear the music but can only remember one annoying verse or song I dont want in my head without music. So I pray, I use Dore's just keep swimming/running/ridding, or the one two, one two, one two. I am a chatty kind of guy maybe on race day I will find another snail that like to chat.

I really appreciate all of the support I am getting. I cant tell you how much it helps to be asked how is the training going? It keeps me on task and honest. Most of all though I am so grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to do this.

1 comment:

  1. your blog is great.....good luck at 70.3!
